Page history
last edited
by Gabriel Bodard 13 years, 3 months ago
EpiDoc Training, London September 2011: outcomes
XSLT requests:
- supplied reason=undefined, etc.
- rationalizing treatment of symbols and glyphs (move to teiHeader <- XSLT)
- stylesheets for apparatus criticus
- stylesheets for supplementary data (sample display = london?)
Other questions/desiderata:
- Generic tool for delivering EpiDoc -> website/publication
- free-standing indexing / concordancing stylesheets
- generic website framework
- Sustainability, especially of dynamic content
- Future of EpiDoc training
- digital training at student level (do papyrologists use PE with MA students?)
- writing costs of training into funding bids
- Guidelines: advice and overview of project-level data management (part of "step by step"?)
- inscriptions + bibliography + authority lists + ...
- how to divide/link files (including supporting files)
- some decisions need to be made in advance, others can be left to later
- what are major components of a digital corpus
- licensing/copyright/permissions issues
- Guidelines: collate advice on symbols (archaic characters, acrophonics, Claudian letters, etc.)
- When will we have an Epigraphic Navigator (and Editor)?
- We need richer markup possibilities than SoSOL/Leiden+ allows
- Advanced EpiDoc training:
- XSLT - generally
- EpiDoc Example XSLT modification/parameterization etc.
- data management and source control
- xMod preview/training?
- full markup of epigraphic edition in detail
- cf. internships (Erasmus, Leonardo, LLLP)
- Guidelines: recommended values for provenance/event/@type needed: Scott Vanderbilt and Jonathan Prag to propose preliminary list to Markup.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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