EDAG November 2024
Date: Tuesday November 19th, 16:30 BST = 17:30 CEST = 11:30 EDT = 18:30 EEST
Present: Federico Aurora (FA), Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Martina Filosa (MF), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Nicolas Souchon (NS), Thomas Kollatz (TK)
Apologies: Nora White (NW), Alice Bencivenni (AB), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Elina Boeva (EB), Scott DiGiulio (SJD), Chiara Cenati (CC)
Chair: NS
Agenda items:
- September & October minutes approved
- [MF] Chinese translation of EpiDoc Guidelines
- Chinese students propose to translate the EpiDoc Guidelines to chinese
- There's already a translation workflow that we can share with them
- MF to write to GB re. workflow and possible Japanese translation
- Including other Chinese projects? Others could work on validating the translation
- Discussion about other translations, handling the “See Also:” display, also how to manage updating existing and future translations.
- Updates will have to be reported to ensure that translations follow
- Markup list
- EpiDoc FRs, Bugs, Pull Requests, EFES issues reminder
- EFES standing agenda item
- Training standing item
- DH/epigraphic conferences that EDAG might contribute to:
- Mycenaean Colloquium in Madrid, September 2025, abstract before 31 December 2024, common talk with EDAG members (FA, GB, EMy ?)
- DH2025 [Deadline December 1st, 2024] “Building access and accessibility, open science to all citizens”
- MF to convene a group of EDAG people to draft an abstract
- Set meeting dates for Jan-Apr 2025
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