EDAG November 2021 call agenda
Date: Wednesday 17th November 2021 • 17:00–18:00 GMT
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Scott DiGiulio (SJD), Martina Filosa (MF), Thomas Kollatz (TKo), Irene Vagionakis (IV)
Apologies: Alice Bencivenni, Alessio Sopracasa, Scott Vanderbilt, Polina Yordanova
Chair: Scott DiGiulio, Martina Filosa (presiding)
Post meeting minute cleanup: TK
Agenda items:
Release 9.3
Postponed because of Stoa upload bottleneck (will be resolved before 9.4?)
lots of new GL pages 342 to 8xx !! (incl some att.classes we don’t use?)
XProc “no longer available” (error message in GB’s Oxygen, but may not be a real error?)
Can we kill “FB” step from releaseproc?
New Athena Unicode - was updated as part of release (including HTTPS reference in CSS). Seems to be working though.
EDAG publicly thanks MF for being the “Karnival” release technician
MF: Inquiry from Jonathan Prag re. app-epi-egyptology.html but for Phoenician/Punic (and potentially Oscan) – EDAG is interested
cf existing pages for Egyptology, Cuneiform/ORACC, Mycenaean
and ongoing conversations re Hittite, Runic & Ogham
IV: Handling of double square brackets: check regex in this IRT commit, test on inscriptions full of single and double square brackets and merge into EpiDoc Stylesheets?
Tickets / Markup List Reminder
EFES standing agenda item
9.3 release (naming?) “EFES-2021-11, aligned with EpiDoc 9.3”
git submodules question (submodules could be a problem when downloaded as zip)
should README be in EFES?
should charDecl.xml be in EFES?
Next calls:
Wednesday 15th December, 17:00 GMT
Tuesday 19th January, 15:00 GMT
Tuesday 15th February, 15:00 GMT
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