EDAG August 2021 call agenda
Date: Tuesday 17th August 2021 • 17:00–18:00 BST
Present: Alice Bencivenni (AB), Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Scott DiGiulio (SJD), Martina Filosa (MF), Thomas Kollatz (TKo), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Irene Vagionakis (IV), Polina Yordanova (PY)
Apologies: Tom Elliott, Pietro Liuzzo, Alessio Sopracasa, Charlotte Tupman, Scott Vanderbilt
Chair: Irene Vagionakis (IV)
Post meeting minute cleanup: EMy
Agenda items:
Approve July minutes (before MF/AS upload them to wiki) -- APPROVED
New chair & co-chair election: Scott DG & Martina volunteer!
EpiDoc Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5382396
Tickets / Markup List Reminder
<am> content model: guidelines need improving? EM will make ticket and propose wording
FR 156 Remove legacy Unicode display of glyphs from XSLT
FR 155 Expansion to the ligature guidelines
Suggestion of expanding guidelines on lemmatization, perhaps including an example from the Norse inscriptions? Check what is the existing practice in traditional Old Norse epigraphic editions
Deferring action other than clarification until next month’s ticket sprint
FR 154Marking transitions in language and/or script in the text
SJD will take first stab at writing up guidelines; language and script can be handled in header, transitions using <foreign> and/or <seg> seem to be best recommendations
Might call for discussing with TEI and potentially adding a <langShift> element?
bug 182 - run guidelines generation process on compiled ODD instead of raw ODD - TE DONE
Review requested for PR#5 before merging: new sprint to review this? Return to this at Sept ticket sprint.
EFES Java issues: need people with technical skills to do some tests on Mac
SunoikisisDC sessions on EpiDoc (1) text transcription encoding (GB & PY); (2) structured description/history (GB & SJD)
Ticket sprint next month: GB will be TicketWrangler
Next call:
Tuesday 21st September, 16:00-18:00 BST - Ticket sprint
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