EDAG July 2021 call agenda
Date: Tuesday 20th July 2021 • 17:00–18:00 BST
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Alessio Sopracasa (AS), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Irene Vagionakis (IV), Martina Filosa (MF), Thomas Kollatz (TKo)
Apologies: Tom Elliott; Alice Bencivenni; Scott Vanderbilt; Scott DiGiulio; Hugh Cayless
Chairs: Martina Filosa, Alessio Sopracasa
Post meeting minute cleanup: MF, AS
Agenda items:
Approve June minutes: APPROVED
EFES Java issues: needed people with technical skills to do some tests on Mac
EMy & GB may be able to raise some funds—due to USEP needs and ICS training blocker. (Ask KDL for quote?)
TKo will also test commons-lang-patch branch on MacOSX
TE said he would try to help Java testing?
Main topic: SigiDoc sprint
Comments on Schema/Guidelines issues:
footnotes—instead of a new div, use a @subtype: div@type=commentary @subtype=footnotes → SigiDoc proposed to introduce a new <div> for the footnotes; we decided instead to add a new @subtype=footnotes to the existing div@type=commentary. The body of the commentary lives now in a div@type=commentary @subtype=text.
<ref> nested in <idno>: @corresp could be used instead → SigiDoc used to have a <ref> in order to disambiguate the <idno>s; we decided to use @corresp instead.
@ref in <c>: @ana could be used instead in order to point to the authority lists.
@ref in <figDesc>, <lg>: @ana could be used instead.
@type in <figDesc>: not necessary, best to change the EFES XSLT to obtain the desired indexing.
<ab> not necessary around <lg>.
Feedback given
100% EpiDoc validation achieved (!)
AS needs to speak with HC about ODD chaining SigiDoc -> EpiDoc [-> TEI]
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