Date: Tuesday 21st July 2020 – 17:00 BST
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Scott DiGiulio (SD), Tom Elliott (TE), Laura Löser (LL), Elli Mylonas (EMy) (chair), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Irene Vagionakis (IV)
Apologies: Thomas Kollatz, Pietro Liuzzo, Scott Vanderbilt, Polina Yordanova
Chair: Elli Mylonas (EMy)
Post meeting minute cleanup by: GB
Agenda items:
Approve May minutes: approved
Any remaining business from ticket sprint in June?
Schedule next release (9.2)
The last release (9.1) was on 26th October 2019
(Next TEI release due mid-Aug 2020, so we will inherit content from that)
Provisional release date of Tuesday, October 13th, 2020.
Working backwards (as per
Candidate release: Thurs Oct 8
Feature freeze and call for testing: Mon Oct 5
Last call for edits: Mon Sep 28
Announce release schedule: Mon Sep 14 (Just before the next EDAG call, conveniently!)
Release technician: IV has volunteered (to be supported by key-holders esp. for Stoa needs)
New EpiDoc urls and official address ( (TE)
Virtual host on leased server supported financially by ISAW.
Changes to URLs and redirect rules - old URLs (e.g. in SF wiki) now redirect to new site. (global rule:* ->*)
Managing robots.txt files to encourage indexing of the right stuff, not the old stuff; search results returning new URLs, ecc.
ACTION: update Release Process to reflect new arrangement, and new processes for credentials and permissions. (SJD has added his edits to the document)
EpiDogito (repo) (GB)
EFES (standing agenda item)
Sustainability (+optics) (FAQ)
This page attempts to answer common objections to the platform and dependencies of EFES. Feedback would be welcome.
It would be especially useful to know how convincing a response to skepticism this page is. What other doubts should we address? Email EFES user group with any feedback if you can (or Gabby or EDAG list if you prefer)
There are currently (at least) three funding bids in, that would involve new EFES development if funded
ICS EpiDoc page (link) (GB)
Mostly local Epidoc activities (GB, SS, colleagues)
Model for other institutions and departments.
EpiDoc DCWiki sprint? And Wikipedia update? (GB)
GB would like any/all Epidoc projects to be present on DCWiki.
Do we want to organize a wiki sprint around EpiDoc activities and projects?
Wikipedia - please improve the page. (We should feel ok to edit, as long as we adhere to citation practices.)
Epigraphic Ontology group (epont) (PL)
This list now combines older discussion with ontology action group from last workshop. PL’s latest email reports state of play and suggests actions.
*ALL*: Please do engage with Pietro’s email!
Greek Academy and other remote workshops - workshop progress ?
Outstanding tickets:
LL will email again with a deadline of the end of this month: either unassign oneself or add comment that they are live
GB will check tickets and ping reprobates after the end of July. A few tickets were unassigned, and will remain attached to milestone:”future” until someone adopts them.
Possible ticket sprint in August/Sept, unless that work can be done offlist… (*hard* deadline of Oct 5 for development).
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