EDAG November 2020 call agenda
Date: Tuesday 17th November 2020 • 16:00–17:00 GMT
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Scott DiGiulio (SD), Thomas Kollatz (TK), Pietro Liuzzo (PL), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Irene Vagionakis (IV)
Chair: Irene Vagionakis (IV) (acting)
Post meeting minute cleanup: Charlotte Tupman (CT)
Agenda items:
No current bug reports.
Approve October minutes: (Approved).
Drive for minutes and agendas:
Epigraphic ontology document: https://groups.google.com/g/epont
PL drew the group's attention to the LinkedPasts6 proposal for activities;
- PL: those who are interested can join in. Discussion beforehand. GB and PL encourage everyone to register for Linked Pasts.
SS: session together with sigillography, could be merged;
GB: programme will be available soon.
Tickets / Markup List Reminder
Report on November Digital Classicist Wiki sprint
One of the most successful DC wiki edits: many pages were updated, over 200 edits;
Decisions made about changes - epigraphy and palaeography categories split;
PL has list of projects to add to DC wiki - PL to add to spreadsheet;
Future sprint to review things that haven’t changed for years?
EFES standing agenda item
https://github.com/EpiDoc/EFES/issues/57: issue with some symbols in EpiDoc stylesheets?
GB suggests, in sequence: (i) comment out the 4 plane-2 unicode symbols from the EFES branch of stylesheets; (ii) merge glyph-branch into EpiDoc Stylesheets; (iii) fix the relationship between Stylesheets and EFES
To do: add EFES to ReleaseProc - moved to December minutes.
Calls for EpiDoc-related submissions to jTEI (there are 2 submissions related to EpiDoc, more would be greatly helpful, a coordinated effort even better)
The G-PR support for g/@ref · Issue #4 · EpiDoc/Stylesheets has been reviewed by Hugh, needs some changes that we can discuss and decide upon.
The apparatus-PR https://github.com/EpiDoc/Stylesheets/pull/5 - moved to next month’s agenda.
Papyri.info sponsored editathon (GB)
Money being raised for endowment of post on Duke Databank;
Online seminar series - donations requested;
24-hr editathon proposed on papyri.info, again encouraging people to donate;
Chair for next months? When does Elli’s term come to an end?
Next calls:
Tuesday 15th December, 17:00 GMT https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TciEgFCQyTw82mIMNMyoV1MS-kReFJExGLztcT00aoQ/edit
Tuesday 19th January, 16:00 GMT
Tuesday 16th February, 16:00 GMT
Tuesday 16th March, 16:00 GMT
Tuesday 20th April, 16:00 BST
Please e-mail Irene if you foresee problems (e.g. holidays, EpiDoc training events etc.) for future dates.
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