date: Tuesday 19th May 2020
apologies: Laura (LL); Tom (TE); Scott (SV); Hugh (HC)
present: Simona Stoyanova (SS), Gabriel Bodard (GB), Thomas Kollatz (TKo), Pietro Liuzzo (PL), Irene Vagionakis (IV), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Polina Yordanova (PY), Scott DiGiulio (SJD),
chair: Charlotte Tupman (CT)
Minutes by: TKo
Appoint chair for next three meetings (July-September): EMyi
Pull requests:
EpiDoc server URL discussion (TE and GB)
To be discussed when we can get hold of Tom
- currently /w placeholder; reason for EpiDoc server: more than one (Tom) should be able to upload stuff
EMy: Decisions needed about CMS, directory structure, rewrite rules, etc.
GB contacted TE, ccing EDAG Chair
Meeting timings (following Hugh’s email): HC can no longer make Tuesday 1400 UTC/ 1500 BST slot.
Ticket sprint on 16th June ( = June EDAG)
Epigraphic Ontology update from Hamburg workshop (workshop plan TKo) Modeling Epigraphy with an epigraphic ontology (already 7 EDAG members involved)
TKo: EpiDoc/XTriples workshop (virtual) planned before V
GB: should we use existing EpOnt Google group on epigraphic ontology
(PL now co-manager of EpOnt GB DONE) discussion on EpOnt
Practical EFES questions from EDAK (F. Weise) and Ptanois Posin (A. Cinalli) related work
What if the authority list is actually more important than the inscriptions?
Where to begin to build an API for data in EFES?
Run 2+ different efes? How to change port?
→ GB points to EFES-USERS mailing list for questions like the above
AOB (any other business)
List of mailing lists - where to put it? EpiDoc Wiki front page GB DONE
Preparation/homework for ticket sprint: Look at tickets, especially unassigned ones …
“Ticket Tsar”: ticket-wrangling in advance of ticket sprint? Summarise list of tickets in a doc (agenda) with a note to say what’s needed - group tickets: Charlotte will do it !!! CT DONE
Next calls: Tuesday 16th June - ticket sprint
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