
Minutes April 2020

Page history last edited by Simona Stoyanova 4 years, 9 months ago


Date: Tuesday 21st April 2020


Apologies: Tom Elliott (TE), Emmanuelle Morlock (EM), Hugh Cayless (HC), Polina Yordanova (PY), Scott Vanderbilt (SV)


Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Laura Löser (LL), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Thomas Kollatz (TK), Irene Vagionakis (IV), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Elli Mylonas (EMy)


Chair: CT


Minutes by: SS



  • Approved March minutes

  • Review of stylesheets Pull Requests:

  • Portuguese guidelines review: team is translating more than originally planned, to be finished within the next two weeks; CT to review final version

  • Conclusion on Text-type discussion: agreed to recommend the use of keywords/term in profileDesc/textClass, IV to update the guidelines

  • Online Epidoc curriculum plans:

    • https://github.com/EpiDoc/Tutorials/wiki

    • GB would  like to add 3 slightly longer and preliminary introductions

      1. What is Epidoc

      2. Starting from a photo and encoding an inscription demo

      3. What you can do with an encoded inscription discussion

    • Have discussion between instructors as well as slides

    • Follow a set of steps for the short instructional videos, better to have a set structure  

    • Longer, more discussion-based videos will need more planning and some scripting

    • Set separate meeting to plan the introductory videos

      1. Tuesday 28th April 2020, 15:00 UK time (LL to send email to EDAG)

  • EFES/SigiDoc possible small project in Oxford in the summer, we will know about funding in June

    • Jonathan Prag leading, with partner in Italy to publish a small corpus of Sicilian signacula in SigiDoc

    • Longer-term plan later in the year to develop an EFES version for Sicilian inscriptions to improve EpiDoc teaching locally

  • EFES pull requests: Pull Requests · EpiDoc/EFES: SS, GB to review

  • EpiDoc server update: TE has created one, decisions to be made on URL structure (e.g. redirecting to sourceforge); to be discussed next month

  • Ticket sprint: two-hour meeting on 16th June, LL to send a query to the group

  • Metre - Verse update by PL


Next call: Tuesday 19th May, 2020

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