Date: Tuesday 17th March 2020
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Tom Elliott (TE) (chair), Elli Mylonas (EM), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Irene Vagionakis (IV), Scott Vanderbilt (SV), Polina Yordanova (PY)
Apologies: Thomas Kollatz, Pietro Liuzzo, Laura Löser
Minutes revised by: GB & TE
Welcome of Thomas Kollatz, our new member (TE)
Around the room status/questions/updates (TE)
We approved the February minutes.
Two pull requests (both from PL) for approval by EDAG:
Recent SVN commit needs review: Update on Brazilian Portuguese translation of GLs (CT will review)
EpiDoc server update (only TE can upload in current setup)
Text Type ticket update
IV had summarised the problem in an exemplary document and suggested a few solutions, with two obvious favourites. Can probably be decided by EDAG pretty quickly, and then proposed to Markup.
IV, GB, HC, EM, SS, SV will review and report at April EDAG
SV: standoff provisions in latest TEI should be reviewed/assessed for EpiDoc utility
Online epidoc teaching agenda
CT appointed EDAG chair by acclamation for next two calls (April, May)
GB: can we make EFES a standing agenda item
GB: should we schedule a new ticket sprint (preferably 2 hours) (it was previously agreed that we should try to hold a dedicated ticket sprint circa every third month)
Next call: Tuesday 21st April, 2020
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