Date: Tuesday 20th August 2019
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Pietro Liuzzo (PL), Simona Stoyanova (SS, chair), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Scott Vanderbilt (SV)
Apologies: Laura Löser, Elli Mylonas, Scott DiGiulio, Tom Elliott
Agenda items:
Who is our new chair? (Simona for three months.)
Approve July minutes - APPROVED
October release date - coordinate with Tom, for now 1st October, propose following week
Pull request and testing for XSL:FO stylesheets stream [to discuss with Pietro] [possibly test in Sept in Berlin?]
Update from GB and EMy on EpiDoc semester plans [deferred to Sept/Oct]
Update from CT on Rio workshop, ca 15 ppl (dates?)
GLs translation into Portuguese is taking a little longer than anticipated, but will be done in six months or so. Not currently in XML, but can be copied across later. Will be a static translation; no resource to keep it in sync with English versions currently.
Discussion of tickets deferred to next month, which will be at the start of a release cycle, so important.
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