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Minutes February 2019

Page history last edited by emorlock 5 years, 3 months ago

Minutes 19 February 2019



  • Pietro is trying to reshape his calendar to be able to attend, but at the moment cannot.

  • Charlotte is involved in workshops that afternoon but is hoping to join the call.

  • Tom (TE) has a late-breaking conflict and will be unable to participate.


Present: Laura Löser (LL),  Elli Mylonas (EMy), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Polina Yordanova (PY), Scott DiGiulio (SD), Scott Vanderbilt (SV), Simona Stoyanova (SS)


Agenda items:


  • Validation of the January minutes

  • XSLT test suite: curation of the html for the comparison

    • See comment https://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/bugs/171/#aef8

    • HC+TE to try out EFES test suite as canary while fixing tickets #164, #165#, #195, #129, #156 etc.

    • HC suggests a Travis.ci environment to automate running of tests (in long run)

  • Monthly to-do list: both included in minutes *and* copied into email to EDAG

  • EpiDoc training needed (GB)

    • Anyone want to go to Switzerland in September 2019?

      • Some members probably going to TEI meeting in Graz (16–20 September), may be possible to combine

    • Anyone want to go to DC in beginning of January 2020?

  • EpiDoc online training semester (GB)

    • For people that can’t attend the workshops, and in the long run, accumulation of teaching resources

    • Divided into topics, separate video for each, can also update when things change (e.g. apparatus)

    • How often? How to organise practice sessions?

    • [X] @GB to-do: start a brainstorm document and run past EDAG




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