
Minutes 22 January 2019

Page history last edited by Gabriel Bodard 5 years, 11 months ago

EDAG January 2019 ticket meeting minutes


Date: 22nd January 2019


Apologies: Pietro Liuzzo (PL), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Charlotte Tupman (CP), Polina Yordanova (PY), Tamara Kalkhitashvili

Present: Laura Löser (LL), Gabriel Bodard (GB), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Scott Vanderbilt (SV), Hugh Cayless (HC), Tom Elliott (TE)


Minutes: EMo - 2019-01-24


Agenda items:


  1. Bugs (cf. https://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/bugs/)


  • HC + TE will treat #164, #165#, #195, #129 linked to DCLP code.

  • Also 156 and 158 (closed)

  • Are more EpiDoc files for testing needed here? TE thinks its with DCLP first and then look for other examples where things are broken


  1. Feature requests (cf. https://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/feature-requests/ )


XSLT reference stylesheets on github - guidelines for modification

- direct modifications if easy/straightforward

- Doing pull requests is OK too if the modifications need a validation

- Use of git branches: only if the modifications corresponds to an important amount of work, not just a few xslt rules or just the addition of a parametrized rule


Bugs reported in the markup list without a corresponding SF ticket?

- GB will send a call for bugs


#74 Add basic functionality for INTERNAL apparatus to XSLT

- a sprint is needed to implement the template asked in the FS, but the priority has to be established.

- GB points to the fact that the need for an internal apparatus (an apparatus division below the text generated from common features such as orig/reg, sic/corr, app/rdg) is something that project must decide up-front before the encoding of the corpus and the design of the online edition.

- TE asks there for the context of this FS. GB and SS confirm that there is a demand coming from training sessions.  

- EMo thinks this question is also related to the intended use of the parallel markup. The parallel encoding is often perceived as an increase in the encoding workload. So for the phase when projects evaluate their decisions on the kind of encoding / apparatus they want, the existence of the template will help projects to go for parallel encoding.  HC is OK but thinks parallel encoding is less compelling for epigraphy texts than for manuscripts projects based on collation of variations in the text. But there are caveats with external apparatus (app tags, normalization, diacritics...)

- DECISION: this ticket will be solved by a dedicated working group that has to be set up. To be efficient we will:

- First TE will send an email within a week on the Markup list to identify people interested in the conversation

- Then personal invitations to join a working group will be

- The working group will work on the modifications to be made


#81 deprecate idiosyncratic @type on <g> and use @ref and <glyph>

- the main stake here is to define where the @ref point to what should default location of target of g/@ref be? (Glyph in header, project-specific authority list, EpiDoc-curated authority list, external (e.g. EAGLE) vocabulary...?)

- Github can't be the place

- SS thinks it's important to suggest a list and give illustration. IOSPE has an external list that is used with xi:includes. But it's a "project oriented" solution and not enough generic for GB.

- Wait for point of view of the ticket owner (Polina Yordanova) to see how we can go further about that FS


#85 Re-engineer guidelines process to use tunnel parameters for examples

- reassigned to SV

- all should add comments


#99 Allow <restore>

- closed with comment:

- "We think this is resolved because EpiDoc now publishes our compiled ODD, allowing for chaining. I can explain how to do it (DLL does this), and there is a tutorial here: http://teic.github.io/TCW/howtoChain.html"


#107 EpiDoc to LaTeX

- Closing with comment:

- "not an EpiDoc priority, and OP doesn't have a specific use-case now either. If someone wants to do this in the future, it would require a grant-sized project to do so. (Which would have our blessing—and perhaps help.)""


#104 Point to specific html versions of the GLs

- Ask Charlotte Tupman: is this down?


#46 CHET-C express release info in interface

- Closed with comment

- "CHET-C is no longer supported so this feature cannot be implemented."


#132 Text direction: GL and XSL need improving

- TE will look at it with DCLP (assumes interactions)


#116 "Gentle Introduction" is out of date

- assign to EMo. She will suggest additions to the GL if relevant.


#127 Improve handling for ligatured characters

- discussion of differents ways of approaching an implementation. Not easy to handle when space or no markup in the words affected. May need some counting

- ticket might be closed next week(?)


TODOs  [x] done / [~] partly done / [>] still to do


  • [~] @TE @HC  : Bugs #164, #165#, #195, #129, #156

  • [X] @GB: send a call for bugs on Markup

  • [ ] @TE: send an email on Markup to identify users interested in the conversation about internal apparatus (FS#74)

  • [ ] : working group for internal apparatus (FS#74)

  • [ ] PY: may comments about FS#81

  • [ ] SV: will update on FS#85

  • [ ] CT: may comment on FS#104

  • [ ] TE: will look at FS#132

  • [ ] EMo: #FS116


Next EDAG: Tuesday 19th February 2019, see agenda here:




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