
Minutes April 2018

Page history last edited by Gabriel Bodard 6 years, 6 months ago

Conference call, Tuesday April 17 2018, 15:00 (UK)


Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Tamara Kalkhitashvili (TK), Laura Löser (LL), Simona Stoyanova (SS)


Apologies: Hugh Cayless, Martina Filosa, Emmanuelle Morlock, Elli Mylonas, Charlotte Tupman, Polina Yordanova. (Tom E and Scott V traveling.)



  1. Workshops: EpiDoc+EFES in London went well. Antalya (April 27); Cluj (June 2018); Sofia?; Zurich+Basel? (fall 2018); Tbilisi (Feb 2019); Rio (2019)
  2. Consultancy/training policy and volunteers
  3. EpiDoc semester (pick a date soon?)
  4. Epigraphic ontology WG (GB to send opening email to epont)
  5. Epigraphy.info (will report fully when some of Tom, Pietro, Scott V present)
  6. Tickets triage (we did some fixing, but non-present members need to move tickets from "future" to "9.1" *or* give up control ASAP):
    1. FRs
    2. Bugs
    3. Sprints
      1. g[@type]
        1. implement in XSLT (90% there) — add one new option to teig.xsl before line 52
        2. implement in EFES (may already be done?)
        3. guidelines recommend either glyphs in each EpiDoc header, or internal TEI authority list in arbitrary location (default ../authority/).
      2. Next time: bibliography or apparatus?
  7. Next meeting: Tuesday May 15 2018, 15:00 UK.

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