Conference call, Tuesday April 17 2018, 15:00 (UK)
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Tamara Kalkhitashvili (TK), Laura Löser (LL), Simona Stoyanova (SS)
Apologies: Hugh Cayless, Martina Filosa, Emmanuelle Morlock, Elli Mylonas, Charlotte Tupman, Polina Yordanova. (Tom E and Scott V traveling.)
- Workshops: EpiDoc+EFES in London went well. Antalya (April 27); Cluj (June 2018); Sofia?; Zurich+Basel? (fall 2018); Tbilisi (Feb 2019); Rio (2019)
- Consultancy/training policy and volunteers
- EpiDoc semester (pick a date soon?)
- Epigraphic ontology WG (GB to send opening email to epont)
- (will report fully when some of Tom, Pietro, Scott V present)
- Tickets triage (we did some fixing, but non-present members need to move tickets from "future" to "9.1" *or* give up control ASAP):
- FRs
- Bugs
- Sprints
- g[@type]
- implement in XSLT (90% there) — add one new option to teig.xsl before line 52
- implement in EFES (may already be done?)
- guidelines recommend either glyphs in each EpiDoc header, or internal TEI authority list in arbitrary location (default ../authority/).
- Next time: bibliography or apparatus?
- Next meeting: Tuesday May 15 2018, 15:00 UK.
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