Conference call, Tuesday Feb 20, 2018, 15h00 (UK time)
Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Scott DiGiulio (SDG), Martina Filosa (MF), Tamara Kalkhitashvili (TK), Elli Mylonas (EMy); Scott Vanderbilt (SV)
Apologies: Tom Elliott, Simona Stoyanova, Charlotte Tupman, Polina Yordanova.
- Training: London (April 9–13); Antalya (April 27); Cluj-Napoca (June?); Basel (Fall 2018?); Tblisi (Feb–Apr 2019)
- EFES documentation sprint
- Epigraphic Ontology WG
- GB *to do!*
- EpiDoc semester (on hangouts)
- Tickets triage:
- Feature requests:
- We approved several tickets that needed feedback or were pending.
- GB will move all remaining open FRs from 9.0 to "future".
- Next month we will triage further: which tickets are realistic for 9.1 (c. May/June 2018) and which need serious revisiting?
- Bugs:
- To be triaged next month, as with FRs.
- Next call: Tuesday March 13, 2018, 15h00 UK.
- Confirming date of April call: April 17, 15h00 UK.
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