Minutes January 2018

Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Scott DiGiulio (SD) Tom Elliott (TE), Martina Filosa (MF), Laura Löser (LL), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Scott Vanderbilt (SV), Polina Yordanova (PY)

Apologies: Tamara Kalkhitashvili



  1. EpiDoc training: London (April 2018); Antalya (April 2018); Tblisi (Fall 2018 or Feb/Apr 2019)
  2. Release 9.0 postmortem and release process update
    1. on major release: download, remove analytics code, and re-upload last numbered version of Guidelines
  3. Tickets triage for post-9.0
    1. move to future
    2. be honest about need for re-assigning to someone else
    3. focus on "pending" and "needs feedback" tickets (which are presumably nearly done)
  4. EFES documentation sprint (Feb/Mar 2018?)
  5. EpiDocumentation wiki?
    1. Let it die.
  6. Invitation: Epigraphic ontology WG
    1. Invite all EDAG + OEDUc + anyone else tell GB by email.
  7. Proposal: EpiDoc training semester
  8. Next call: Feb 20, 15:00 UTC