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Minutes August 2017

Page history last edited by Gabriel Bodard 7 years, 2 months ago

Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Scott DiGiulio (SDG), Tom Elliott (TE), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Scott Vanderbilt (SV), Polina Yordanova (PY)

Apologies: Laura Löser




  1. Recapping last month's discussion of XSLT migration to Github and numbering of next release 9.0:
    1. XSLT: HC emphatically didn't care about the naming of the stylesheets, and so the proposal from last month to refer to the XSLT in bibliography as the "EpiDoc Reference Stylesheets" was carried;
    2. Other changes may be inherited from (a) DCLP/PN merge (in progress), and (b) EFES work, so releasing as early as October seems unlikely
    3. Guidelines process: SV will report back on a preliminary test of tunnel parameters method next Monday (Aug21); TE may be able to provide some DCLP programmer time to work on this as well, if needed;
    4. Schema: A TEI release is due in November or December 2017, so postponing the release until after that would allow us to inherit new changes;
    5. Guidelines: a review of Guidelines to bring up to date with all the above changes is in order. Suggest a sprint in November to spend some time on this?
    6. Next release: 9.0, release technician SDG, provisionally scheduled for November 2017.
  2. EFES reports:
    1. PY has returned from Wellington with documentation of Kiln/EFES installation and customization. First training workshop for EpiDoc-fluent but non-DH trained epigraphers will be held September 25-29 in London. (Followed by a second workshop Oct 30-Nov 3 in Sofia.
    2. Discussions with stakeholders about to begin. Suggestions of epigraphists to discuss desiderata and requirements with will be welcome. Ditto people with EpiDoc code-bases to discuss reusing stylesheets, indices, LOD export scripts, etc.
    3. EMy suggested  more example outputs (e.g. edition structure for student editions, tranlated editions, geographically focussed editions) to expand the audience of EFES editions beyond the epigraphic readership.
  3. Tickets: TE took on a couple of bug reports relating to square brackets regex, to be dealt with as part of DCLP work. Reminder to all to look at tickets, and also check and reply to Markup list queries periodically.
  4. Next phone call: Monday September 18, 15h00 BST (10h00 EDT, etc.)

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