Page history
last edited
by Tom Elliott 16 years, 3 months ago
stylesheets (new kcl/duke version)
- <gap reason="illegible" extent="1" unit="line"/> produces - - - - - - - - - - instead of + line +
- actually: almost all gap handling for panciera style is wrong, so teigap.xml needs serious work
- <abbr> is considered to be unexpanded if it does not have an immediate parent <expan> (it should just look for ancestor <expan> probably)
- but what to do about monograms (expanded or otherwise)
supraline not rendering? (won't fix: you can deal with it in global.css)xsl does the right thing, e.g.: <span class="supraline" title="line above">de</span>
- a line-begin with type=worddiv follows a supplement or gap at the end of a line, the hyphen output should be inside the square brackets, not outside as at present
<space extent="unknown"/> is not giving us a question mark in panciera (done: r1117)<num> produces supralines even when rend="supraline" doesn't appear in the markup (won't fix: you can deal with it in global.css)this is also a css issue: xslt is producing <span class = latinnum></span>, which is correct. If you don't want automatic overlining, remove it from global.css
- <app> handling needs a complete overhaul; there are many, many problems.
- handing of the "n" attribute on <div type="textpart"/> needs some investigation; right now it looks like we get some overstrikes in the html
diff tom's modifications (local) against svn copies and roll back in all useful modifications (but not the whacky ones) (done: 19 June 2008) - <unclear><g/></unclear> is not handled (i.e., there is no resulting indication of unclarity
- lb/type="worddiv" in combination with milestone/pb/cb to render hyphen correctly
- value of extent attribute on <measure> is not getting propagated into the html
- in fact, it looks as if the new stylesheets have no handling for <measure/> at all
global-paramters.xml uses verse-lines=on, but stylesheet (htm-teilb.xsl) uses verse-lines=yes (done rev 1119)- no handling for teiHeader in stylesheets (TE has made changes, but these are not yet committed)
- handling of <g> into HTML does insaph (or duke?) style even when set to panciera (TE has fixed, but changes are not yet committed)
- chirho.xml needs revision
- need to add guidance for:
- personal names
- place names
- words
- need to allow text content in <g>
- pizzachef busted?
- need to allow <note> within <del>, or do something different for wierd(!) vel sim
add font specifications for Latin (done: r1116)
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