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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

Title: BeginnerProposalAssistance




This is an EpiDoc UserStory


  • Originator(s): Charlotte Roueché
  • Associated Bug/Feature Request(s): None
  • Markup List subject line(s)
    • Material for those planning proposals
    • What do we need



We need to decide what support (if any) we wish to offer to people preparing bids to funding bodies.




So far, we have been draing on each others support in our proposals, and even naming one another as co-applicants. Do we offer a formal plower level support?


Dependencies and rules


We must not commit ourselves to what we cannot achieve




  • If someone puts in a bid, and says that they are going to use EpiDoc, how do the funders know this to be true?
  • Do we encourage such people to >register< with us?
  • If we did, to what would we be committing ourselves?
  • Do we say that we will offer support to proojects who offer support to us: that is, at present, PP's category 1 projects, who write into the job description that they will be contributing actively to the EpiDoc guidelines? And, in return for that, we will provide endorsement?



An example is evolving at BeginnerGuidance.


Acceptance Tests


  • TBD

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