Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Scott DiGiulio (SDG), Elli Mylonas (EM), Charlotte Tupman (CT), Scott Vanderbilt (SV)
Apologies: Tom Elliott, Laura Löser, Simona Stoyanova, Polina Yordanova
- Release 8.23 post mortem:
- changes to ReleaseProc (see ticket #125)
- GB has left comments on that ticket
- document (and post-factum implement) odd-chaining (see ticket #155)
- bug in REF pages for EpiDoc customized elements (see ticket #154)
- Refactor tickets from 8.23 and future to 8.24 or defer/reject
- Everybody please go through tickets assigned to you and make the call: is this going to be done in the next six months, or never?
- Check recent Markup queries
- Sprints (it was agreed last year that we shouldn't try to run these allat once, since we become bogged down with work and end up doing none of them; instead, let's focus on (i) this month, and the discuss what to prioritize thereafter):
- Guidelines generation tunnel params
- SV/GB will convene to discuss progress
- Documentation of GL process (EMy/EMo have started doc)
- Glyphs and g-type
- Bibliography and Zotero
- Internal and external Apparatus
- Proposed EDH data hackathon
- GB will email.
- EDAG officially thanks PY.
- Carried unanimously
- Next release (Sept-Oct 2017); technician Scott DiGiulio
- Next EDAG call: April 18, 2017, at 15:00 BST.
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