Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Tom Elliott (TE), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Scott Vanderbilt (SV)
Apologies: Scott DiGiulio, Laura Löser, Charlotte Tupman, Polina Yordanova
- Workshops: London (April 3-7), Athens (May 2-5), Brown (October 5-6). Possibly Sofia, November?
- To add to running agenda: check recent requests on Markup list:
- TE and EMo will convene discussion with Arlo and others about tagging RTI in EpiDoc (cf email)
- GB and SS will follow up on conversation with Matt Munson about tables in EpiDoc, and fold into discussion of bronze tablets (cf email)
- Ongoing tickets discussed, see release tag 8.23.
- GB will discuss with PY timing of next release, some time in next 2-3 weeks. Announcements will be sent to Markup as usual.
- Release process will kick off on 2017-02-26 and release 8.23 will be finalised (barring critical bugs at testing phase) on 2017-03-14. PY and GB have slightly rewritten the ReleaseProc document to rationalise the timing, and suggest modularising it a little more (moving detailed "how to"s to separate pages).
- Next meeting: March 21, 2017, 15h00 UTC.
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