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Minutes February 2017

Page history last edited by Gabriel Bodard 7 years, 7 months ago

Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Tom Elliott (TE), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Scott Vanderbilt (SV)

Apologies: Scott DiGiulio, Laura Löser, Charlotte Tupman, Polina Yordanova


  1. Workshops: London (April 3-7), Athens (May 2-5), Brown (October 5-6). Possibly Sofia, November?
  2. To add to running agenda: check recent requests on Markup list:
    1. TE and EMo will convene discussion with Arlo and others about tagging RTI in EpiDoc (cf email)
    2. GB and SS will follow up on conversation with Matt Munson about tables in EpiDoc, and fold into discussion of bronze tablets (cf email)
  3. Ongoing tickets discussed, see release tag 8.23.
  4. GB will discuss with PY timing of next release, some time in next 2-3 weeks. Announcements will be sent to Markup as usual.
    1. Release process will kick off on 2017-02-26 and release 8.23 will be finalised (barring critical bugs at testing phase) on 2017-03-14. PY and GB have slightly rewritten the ReleaseProc document to rationalise the timing, and suggest modularising it a little more (moving detailed "how to"s to separate pages).
  5. Next meeting: March 21, 2017, 15h00 UTC.

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