Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Tom Elliott (TE), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Charlotte Tupman (CT)
Apologies: Scott DiGiulio, Laura Löser, Elli Mylonas, Polina Yordanova
- Reminder of planned release (8.23) in Feb 2017. Realistically, no major changes to Guidelines/XSLT etc. should be started after the December sprint.
- EpiDoc training: no news yet from Athens, Duke or EFES. Plans for London, April 2017 still underway.
- Guidelines process/tunnel parameters sprint: a doodle poll is doing the rounds--if you haven't yet indicated your availablity, please do so. It's looking like a sprint in early December is most likely.
- CeTEIcean might be a candidate for inclusion in a later phase of EFES, if a SoSOL-like component were to be included. Until then, we'll watch what HC does with Digital Latin Library with great interest.
- HC to implement @source on EpiDoc ODD, and generate full ODD for distibution, and add both tasks to ReleaseProcess document. Will then follow up on ticket #96 with explanation of how to implement ODD-chaining.
- Bibliography sprint and g/@ref sprint to be postponed until after next release. (The idea of running three major sprints concurrently seems to have paralysed progress on all three. Guidelines process/tunnel parameters overhaul to be prioritised.)
- Tickets:
- #74 (implement internal app): TE will test against DCLP and report back by December call.
- #87 (text direction) and #108 (space avoiding hold): to nudge Scott DiGiulio, ask whether he thinks any progress will be made on these in the next month. If not, would he like someone else to take over either of the tickets?
- #93 (XSLT parameter notes): GB will produce a training slideshow in the next few weeks, then we'll discuss in what way that could contribute to guidance on the website or in readme.
- #95 (persname @type): SS has adopted ticket and will draft some further examples and explanation in the relevant GL pages.
- #112 (releaseProc fixes) and #118 (GLs menu bar): to nudge Elli Mylonas, what is the status of these tickets? (Can the latter be implemented by January?)
- #117 (div figures): HC and GB to discuss offline: we predict a solution is easy to find
- At some point in this work an off-topic discussion arose as to whether the EpiDoc Guidelines are archived by the Wayback Machine often enough to be useful as an archive of old versions. How we would find out/go about making it happen? (You can request individual pages be indexed; can you request a site be crawled?) See FR 120.
- Next meeting: tbc
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