Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Pietro Liuzzo (PL), Laura Löser (LL), Emmanuelle Morlock (EMo), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Scott Vanderbilt (SV)
Apologies: Scott DiGiulio, Charlotte Tupman, Polina Yordanova
- Release 8.23: we're still aiming for Feb 2017 (with Polina as release tech), but nothing specific to discuss yet—except that all items below should contribute to it, of course!
- Training events: one-day event in Barcelona, Nov 4, 2016; week-long workshop in London Apr 3-7; event for Dariah in Athens still being discussed; we should think about SoSOL training in Duke and/or London some time as well. Other possibilities may emerge in the meantime. (Not to mention a couple of advanced EpiDoc workshops if the EFES project gets off the ground next year.)
- The long-discussed tunnel parameters sprint in November should cover at least:
- Tunnel parameters overview (to get everyone on the same page);
- EpiDoc XSLT and GL process overview
- including documentation of parameterisation
- Upgrading the Guidelines process to use Tunnel params (rather than running 9x as currently)
- EMo will doodle for possible date(s) in 2d/3d weeks of Nov
- CETEIcean (browser-side, JS and CSS TEI transforms) as an EpiDoc processing platform:
- EMy asked about Guidelines generation. HC: would be complicated—perhaps to be kept in mind for the long term
- EpiDoc display: may be implemented for Digital Latin Library (DLL)/IIP; GB: issue of parametrization needs to be addressed for more general EpiDoc use; HC: this may be more of a working tool than a replacement for the XSLT even in the medium/long term.
- HC: DLL is using CETEIcean for the editing interface and preview mode, which is clean and faster than server-side XSLT transformations.
- TEI ODD chaining:
- HC reports: DLL now calls specific release of TEI and EpiDoc to validate different sections
- EpiDoc should publish compiled ODD
- This is a solution to FR #96 (Dunning and DLL and Perseus etc.)
- HC has created ticket FR #119 with the agreed solution to this issue for EpiDoc.
- Bibliography handling sprint (cf FR #98): PL will send Doodle for meeting
- Tickets: t/b/continued
Polina has separately reminded us that she is also about to set up a mini-sprint to discuss FR #81 (on upgrading EpiDoc guidance and stylesheets to use g/@ref instead of @type).
- Next meeting: Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 15h00 UTC
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