Present: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Tom Elliott (TE), Pietro Liuzzo (PL), Laura Löser (LL), Elli Mylonas (EMy), Scott Vanderbilt (SV).
Apologies: Scott DiGiulio (SDG)
1. EMy suggested a more regular release schedule. We settled on words to the effect of "at least every six months or so," to give us a bit of flexibility. The Release Process and Wiki front page have been updated accordingly. We are now thinking about a new release (8.23) around February 2017, therefore.)
2. We're still waiting for Emmanuelle to suggest a date for a virtual sprint on upgrading the Example XSLT, probably some time in November.
3. EpiDoc training workshops: EMy and Charlotte are in communication with Athens about a possible workshop in summer 2017. We would still like volunteers to run something at Warwick University. Other workshops are forthcoming in Bologna (Sept 2016), London (Apr 2017). We might try to organize something for Montréal to coincide with DH 2017 in July. EMy also suggested Rhode Island/North Carolina events.
4. GB reminded the group of the new Egyptological and the in-progress Cuneiform concordances in the EpiDoc Guidelines. (The latter at to which more structural elements will be added next week.) PL reported that he is building a similar concordance for CEIPAC, and will consider posting that to the Guidelines once it is stable.
5. We then discussed tickets, bringing all open bugs into the 8.23 milestone for February 2017. We didn't have time to talk about feature requests, so that's a priority for next month. We also discussed the possibility of marking all or at least most "deferred" tickets as "not-accepted," since they usually sit around ignored for several years anyway. Possibly on a case-by-case basis.
6. Next meeting: Tuesday Sept 20, 15h00 UK time. (Unless we reschedule around everyone's fall semester schedule.)
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