
Minutes December 2013

Page history last edited by Gabriel Bodard 8 years, 6 months ago
  • The next EpiDoc release (8.18) will take place in the last few days of January, with Simona as release technician, assisted by Tom, Scott and Gabby. Exact date to be confirmed. The list will be alerted in plenty of time, as per the 14-day release schedule (http://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/wiki/ReleaseProc/).
  • We discussed Apparatus Criticus: it was decided to create three pages in the Guidelines:
    1. supp-apparatus.xml: "Apparatus Criticus": definition and outline of the two main methods, advantages and disadvantages. Tom drafting.
    2. supp-app-external.xml: "External apparatus criticus": the most common method; examples drawn from summerschool slideshow. Gabby drafting.
    3. supp-app-inline.xml: "Inline apparatus criticus:" explanation of DDbDP practice and links to relevant parts of Transcription Guidelines. Hugh drafting.
  • All pages to be edited and commented on by everyone else after first drafts by three volunteers above.
  • We didn't have time to discuss the GoogleDoc containing unsolved App problems. Please everybody look at <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kYHLheSzu7IkF7JgoNB1KuBQ4Cp4VG7qUlYoFAAuqeo> and leave comments on the doc by the end of January.
  • If you're interested in apparatus, we strongly recommend you jointhe TEI MS SIG, where the TEI chapter on appcrit will soon be discussed.
  • YOUR JOB: for the next meeting (date tba), please take the time to look through the Guidelines and come up with five suggestions of things that you would like to see added to them. These may include pages that are empty or inadequate; stubs that need filling out; entirely missing features or elements; discussion or examples. This is an agenda-setting exercise, and is obligatory.

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