Minutes October 2015

Present: Ryan Baumann (RB), Gabriel Bodard (GB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Elli Mylonas (EM), Simona Stoyanova (SS), Charlotte Tupman (CT)


1) HC reported there is a new TEI release, from which EpiDoc might useful inherit a couple of features, although the issue of aligning @source/@resp attributes is still not resolved. GB to ticket the TEI asking for a fix to this in future release. It was agreed that an EpiDoc release sooner rather than later would be desirable. (See also following item (2b).)

2) GB reported from Bonn complex scripts workshop, an extremely collegial discussion a couple of weeks ago between scholars from Mayan, Aztec, Cuneiform, Hebrew, Egyptian Hieroglyphic, Cretain Hieroglyphic, Linear A, Anatolian Hieroglyphic and other epigraphies, who agreed to collaborate on common vocabularies and infrastructure, and to test EpiDoc and TEI and suggest improvements where necessary. Two concrete outcomes of this session were:
    (a) the foundation of an email discussion list at <http://groups.google.com/group/encows>, to which all are welcome to join (and Tom and Arlo might be especially interested) for the organization and discussion of issues around these non-alphabetic epigraphies.
    (b) Daniel Werning from Berlin has a concordance of Egyptian Hieroglyphic editorial conventions with Leiden usage, and would like to offer it as a page in the EpiDoc Guidelines, along with adding many examples to existing pages. It was agreed that GB would follow up on this and encourage and help him to do so.

3) There has been ongoing discussion of issues around manuscript and critical edition editors wanting to use EpiDoc, for perfectly valid reasons, but then requesting the addition of elements that are not really helpful to the principal EpiDoc agenda of encoding ancient primary documents. HC agreed to start a conversation between DLL, Andrew Dunning and Perseus re creating a customization ODD that would inherit EpiDoc goodness but add manuscript/appcrit features. EpiDoc should keep an eye on this activity, and recommend it as good practice in the future, but not attempt to own it.

4) EpiDoc/DigiClass training workshops have been proposed/requested in Cluj Napoca, Tbilisi, London, Zagreb, Beograd, Warwick and Sofia. GB and SS are teaching at Cluj, London and Sofia; volunteers are sought to help out with organizing other events. It might be worth putting some effort into getting people up to speed with helping run these workshops.

5) We planned the programme for the Lyon EpiDoc workshop next week (emailed separately to those concerned).

6) We ran out of time and so didn't get to the SourceForge tickets. Please look at <http://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/feature-requests/> and <http://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/bugs/> and help or comment if you think you can.