Present: Gabriel Bodard; Hugh Cayless; Pietro Liuzzo; Emmanuelle Morlock; Elli Mylonas; Simona Stoyanova; Charlotte Tupman (recorded and will feedback later). (Apologies: Ryan Baumann; Greta Franzini.)
1) We discussed the issue of an ontology for epigraphic data (CIDOC, LAWD, etc.) and the desirability of recommending both an ontology and some vocabularies in the EpiDoc Guidelines. This in particular has been requested by the iSicily team, and Pietro, Hugh and Emmanuelle have independently done some work/thinking about this recently. I propose that we convene a small working group (including anyone from this circle who doesn't opt out), and invite to join us: James Chartrand and Jon Prag from iSicily; Roberta Zeni, who interned with Arachne last year to look at this exact topic; Christian-Emil Ore; someone from the EAGLE/AlcalĂ team? Anyone else I should include? Anyone from the LAWD world?
Reading matter:
EAGLE proposals:
The Morlock/Santin paper:
2) A reminder to look at the proposed new layout for the EpiDoc Guidelines table of contents, at and let us know if you think it better reflects the priorities of the GLs than the old page ( The order of the central links is the only thing that has changed.
3) We again discussed the header and footer design issues from ticket --Elli will mock up what she thinks the top-menu buttons should look like and circulate before the next call for discussion.
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